Innovation Academy Honors Research Impact a Client Digital Portfolio.

Our groups Impact a Client Digital Portfolio, created by Amani Bobo. Group Members: Amani Bobo, Nithin Kumar, Arjun Suresh, and Rigved Bhagdikar.


Problem Statement

A common, reoccurring theme at Innovation Academy is that students come to school late. Whether it is because of traffic, waking up late, or any other reason, checking into school late leads to students missing out on educational time. At IA, when students come late, they have to go to the front desk and check-in via a computer. Because many students often come late, a lot of them need to check in, thus causing lines for students to wait in.

How Might We / Criteria of Success

How might we create a more efficient check-in System for late students to get to class faster at Innovation Academy? Our criteria of success includes: The check-in system created should be able to check in students within 15-20 seconds of arrival, The check in system must be able to take in an alternate form of ID, (this can be back-up qr codes sent to student’s emails), and Admins and teachers should be able to have the late check-ins on record. The check-in system using a qr/bar code scanner to pick up student ID codes to authorize the individual, send the tardiness notification to the admins and the teacher the student has when they come late. Our Procedure to get our product was changed throughout and used client feedback and iterations we had done.